No commercial rights
Can be gifted
Can be traded
Can be sold
Sale Value
Notice: user-made terms are not binding, unless you have provided an electronic signature to the designer in question. You are responsible for obtaining and recording the version of the terms you agreed to.
Dailet-Creation's Terms
as of 2024-09-16 12:54:40-You ok to use the characters i Desing for anything you want, as long is not questionable or starigth up unmoral
-You can redesing my desing as long you want
-You can use the desings you had i made for any CS but i will not agreed of these term of Use of any CS is used, you free to use the desing i made for these CS you want to use but i will not be agreeding in they TOS
-You can do edits of my desings you own, small edits not need to be asked, but if they are so huge i like to be informed if i feel comfortable with it or not, but im happy to make these edits/changes of the art desing myself to advoid any problems or conflic!
-Do not steal/trace/Recolor any of my art or desing i made i own or others people own
-If you call out or know from the public or myself you did questionable/unmortal things, you free to keep the desings i made, but i not agreed or suport your awfull actions and never be involucred to it
-Always credit me of the art or desings i made, Use my Toyhouse link to be fully credit, i will not tolerated any kind of uncredit thing
-Do not use my art or desing for AI/Crypto/NFT or any kind of scam thing