Comments on November's Orki MYO Sale (Closed)

MayMaxine's Avatar
MayMaxine Staff Member

Winners of the MYO Sale

mehilil - Rare
Buggleburger - Uncommon
consteloly - Rare
Kimimari - Rare
Manami-jensang - Unusual
CrybabyPearl - Unusual
FEewghge - Rare
RumbleBumblebee - Rare
Loriby - Rare
mommoo - Rare
carpfish - Rare
AcuteExposure - Rare
minnobyy - Unusual
Biscuits-N-Nuggies - Rare
RatTheLoser - Rare
Decayedicarus - Rare
Golden-Boy - Rare
pouls-partyroom - Unusual
Angelred - Unusual

2024-11-16 14:16:22 (Edited 2024-11-16 21:58:37)

MayMaxine's Avatar
MayMaxine Staff Member

The roller rolled the same person twice, so here is the actual last winner:


2024-11-17 00:29:31